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Showing posts from August, 2009

Monday Update: 08/24/09

It’s hard to believe we’re coming up on September already – the summer is winding down, kids are heading back to school…crazy. We’ve had a busy couple of weeks, but full of lots of good times with family and friends. We celebrated Lissa’s birthday back on the 15th with grilled steaks and all the fixin’s including homemade ice cream. It was a beautiful evening (in between showers) and the weather held off perfectly for us to get our grilling going and enjoy some time out on the deck. This past week was the Iowa State Fair – an institution around these parts. I decided to take a day off of work and take Matt through the fair just the 2 of us. Normally we go during the afternoon/evening, so it was fun to go during the day and experience it in a different way. We wandered around checking out all the usual stopping points…the horse barn, the big bull, the freebies in the Varied Industries Building. We, of course, managed to sample some of our favorite yummy fair treats…and also tried some ...

Shameless Plug for My Dad

Because you just never know who is reading this...and who may know someone or know someone who knows someone...who just might need his expertise. Plus, I'm just proud of him for putting himself out there, I think he's a brilliant businessman, and I know anyone would be beyond happy with the results he can bring to any business. So, please check out Dad's new site and pass on to anyone you may know, or know of! You can also find out more about him here:

Tuesday Update: 08/11/09

So I went to visit my parents in Texas last weekend. With everything going on these days, I figured it would be a good chance for me to get away for a few days and enjoy some good old fashioned quality time with my folks. They’ve had their fair share of stresses and worries these past few months as Dad continues to search for his next job. I figured they could use something happy to look forward to…like a visit from…ME! I’m just so glad I went. It had been a long time since I had some time to just sit and talk with both of them…no distractions, no particular agenda, just us being together. It was so great. Mom and Dad live near a town known for their awesome water park, Schlitterbahn. A friend of mine has long wanted to go there herself and would often ask me if we were going to go there when I visit my parents. Just the other week Jenny asked me if I thought we’d go…I sort of laughed it off and said nah…but then it got me thinking…could we? Would we? I asked Mom if she thought they’d...