Last Saturday was Matt’s regular ‘Garage Night’…his bimonthly get together to work on the Chevette drag car project. Over the course of the summer Chad, Blake, and Matt have spent many hours out there getting dirty, sweaty, and generally making a big ‘ol mess. Occasionally I’ll pop out to chat with the boys for a while and ‘inspect’ the progress, and bring them treats, of course, but generally I let them do their thing. It is a guy thing for sure. I don’t know if I can fully explain what these garage nights mean to me…but here is my attempt. Two years ago, on a cold winter evening, Mom and Dad and I took the Trans Am to meet up with a car hauler who would be loading it for the drive to its new owner in Florida. Matt stayed behind at home, not wanting to watch the car be hauled away. It was so hard to watch it go…it was such a part of our history together. I was with him when he went to go look at it, it was our get away car at our wedding, I drove him home after he blew up the engine ...