This is our first week of no therapy, and I have to admit…it sure has been nice. While we will surely miss the folks at Timber Creek, and seeing them on a regular basis, it is so good to go home and just be with Matt.
Last weekend my parents were visiting from Texas to celebrate Meghan’s 5th birthday. Saturday was an icy, snowy mess…but we were determined to make it up to Roland to the party. We loaded up the car and drove very, very slowly and very, very carefully all the way there. The trip home was much better, the roads had cleared up by then,

Sunday they all came over to our house for the day. I took Mom, Dad, and Meghan up to see the new house. It was SO exciting to take someone else through the house with me…even though Meghan was a bit wild and excitable. We marked out where to put the cable and phone hookups in the new house…big decisions!! It is looking good and taking shape nicely. They are working on the electrical and heating/cooling right now. Drywall should be starting in a few weeks…yahoo!
Yesterday I received my e-mail of information from the China Connection and will start working on getting all of our ducks in a row for Matt’s upcoming trip. It is pretty much all he can think about right now…he’s just so excited to go and so hopeful

Things are just pretty crazy right now, with the new house, trying to sell our old house, and the China plans…let alone the holidays, Matt’s upcoming eye surgery in January, etc…etc. YIKES! Right now I’m mostly stressing about selling our old house…please just pray for a buyer to come soon and want our house. It would just be so good to have that taken care of and not have to worry about it much longer!!!