There are certain days when I really, really feel like a grown up. Today is one of those days. Another round of layoffs was announced this morning, in my corner of the world, and it was a little close for comfort. It may sound weird, but most of the time I guess I don’t really see myself as a full grown woman living and working in the big scary world of business. I’ve been working this job for nearly 8 years and have enjoyed most of it…I’ve learned new skills, been exposed to all different kinds of business, attended conferences and classes and immersed myself in my job and all the different paths it has taken me, climbing slowly up a few rungs on the corporate ladder…and every once in a while I would stop long enough to look at myself and think ‘huh…I guess I am a grown up professional…weird.’ I didn’t really choose this career path, but after college I never really knew what path I wanted, to be truthful. All my childhood dreams seem so ridiculous to me now…a teacher…a writer…a stay ...