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Thursday Update: 05/07/09

Well, another week has come and gone and things are starting to return to normal around here. It’s been a tough week, knowing the futures of so many people are uncertain at this moment, but the sense of upheaval and turmoil is starting to simmer back down. I left work early last Friday to try and refresh my focus and priorities…to remind myself of the many, many things which are completely out of my control…and to fix my gaze on those things which I can control. I had the perfect opportunity to do that at the Women of Faith event that Hope and I went to Friday and Saturday. It was just what I needed…to help me adjust my attitude and remind myself that even in the midst of trials and uncertainty, we can breath easier, knowing that our future is in His hands. Steven Curtis Chapman was there Friday night and gave a wonderful performance. His family suffered an unthinkable tragedy nearly 1 year ago, when one of his adopted daughters from China was accidentally hit and killed by one of his older children. He spoke of how many of his songs took on new meaning to him personally after going through such a terribly dark time…and that even though he has so many questions and cannot understand why this would happen…all he can do is trust in God’s promises. That message spoke clearly to me that night. In the midst of my own personal struggles with the direction our lives have taken, I have many times clung to those promises and thankfully we have made it through our darkest points stronger as well. My hope is that those struggling right now can find a way to face the uncertainties in life in faith.

Saturday was such a beautiful day that Matt and I went out tree shopping after the conference. It was fun for me, of course, to look at the trees and try to narrow down which ones to buy. Matt was able to get out at one of the places and I pushed him around to see them up close. It was so good to just contemplate what we want to do TOGETHER! It’s not the same as it would have been before, but every time we are able to do something like this together it just feels so darn good to me. I know that just a few years ago, we wouldn’t have ventured out like that. This week we’ve also had several beautiful evenings that we’ve enjoyed together; we’ve grilled out, ate our first supper of the season on the deck, and I even took Matt out to walk around the neighborhood. We explored further down the walking paths, and I challenged myself to push him up several big hills. Taking him out for these walks is so good in so many ways – I hope we do a lot of it this summer!

Matt’s been busy at home as well. He’s come up with his own routine with the bike and has been heading down there to workout most days. I know he’s getting a great workout from the bike, and I know it just feels good to him to be able to get active again and build up some more strength. We also had a follow up appointment this week with the Neurologist just to check in on things. We had stopped taking the latest tremor medication a few weeks ago. She had us slowly increase the dosage and while it didn’t really seem to be helping the tremor, it was also making Matt feel off. He was quite sluggish and felt like everything was in slow motion. Needless to say, neither of us wanted him to feel like that. So, nothing new on the tremor front. In the meantime we just tolerate it the best we can. Maybe someday it will disappear as quickly as it showed up…we can only pray!

We’re looking forward to this weekend and having more time together to work in the yard and enjoy this beautiful spring. Just trying to remember all the good, good, GOOD things...


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