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Showing posts from February, 2013

Feeling Sentimental

So it’s the start of a new year (ish), and that always prompts a little spring cleaning around the office. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of visiting my little corner of cubicle world – you know that I have very little blank space on my gray walls. I mean, who wants to look at sad, drab, gray walls all day?? When not busy working, of course. I prefer to look up and see things that make me smile; happy mementos of fun times, pictures my favorite kids have made me, photos from awesome places I’ve been, certificates of accomplishment (both professional and personal) which inspire me, all sorts of things which remind me of the countless blessings in my life. For a long time – seven years, to be exact – I had this picture of Matt and me from vacation 2005. It was his 30th birthday and he had caught that really awesome walleye, while I had caught a couple small perch. I’ve posted this picture before – it’s definitely a favorite…special in so many ways. I used to look at the picture long...

Four Little Words...

Sometimes just when I think I know Matt, he does something that totally takes me by surprise…in a good way. I debated whether or not I wanted to write about his latest little surprise,  but something like this…well, I couldn’t let it pass by without comment. Matt’s Uncle Denny is sick. He’s battling a recurrence of cancer that has really taken its toll on him physically and emotionally. Matt and I are getting regular updates on his condition through family e-mails and phone calls – and he’s really been on our minds and hearts the past few weeks. Earlier this week we got out a card to send to Denny – to let him know we were thinking of him and Matt took a few minutes to sign the card. Typically Matt writes very little…ever. Of course he has to use his left hand, which is awkward and unnatural and even then…the tremor really kicks in on the right side when he’s concentrating so hard. The result is usually shaky and he thinks it looks bad – so he typically keeps his writing to h...