So I assume you have all heard the song Shut-Up and Dance by Walk the Moon. And hopefully, you’ve all seen these awesome movie montage videos set to the song – as they are HIGHLY entertaining… On a recent road trip, we discovered how much we both (yes, I said BOTH) love this song. It’s catchy. It’s upbeat. It’s fun to sing. It’s just a super fun song. I was tickled and surprised that my oh-so-stuck-in-the-80’s/90’s husband would dare to listen to and enjoy such a ‘modern’ song. We heard it repeatedly on the trip and each time, we’d turn it up and yell sing. Well, at least I would sing – Matt just smiled and tried to enjoy the song despite it. Last week, my parents drove a load of stuff up from Oklahoma in preparation for their upcoming move back to Iowa. It was a weird weather day – with rain off and on. While we were outside preparing to unload their tractor, it started to pour. So we all ran for our cars ...