months ago I stepped softly into a NICU room to peer in on a tiny new life. I
stared at his face and tried to comprehend the incredible gift he was.
This week we finalized Ethan’s adoption, officially and legally becoming a forever family. He charmed a room full of family and friends, as well as a judge and lawyer across the country. Again, I found myself trying to comprehend the incredible gift his is.
SO much has happened these past six months. Our family of three has celebrated all sorts of fun milestones; sleeping through the night, daycare, rolling over, trying solids, the first holiday season, two 40th birthdays…the list goes on. Being a family, having a son, is amazing!
I spent so many years wondering if it would ever be us. If we would ever know the joy and wonder of raising and loving a child of our own. I spent countless tearful nights praying and pleading to God – not wanting to give up on our dream.
And now, when I stare at sweet Ethan’s face – I am so crazy glad we didn’t. This past year was particularly difficult. Hearing no after no…feeling discouraged and unwanted…we almost threw in the towel.
Just a few weeks later a brave expectant mother read our story, heard about our struggles, saw our strength, love, and commitment…and said yes. She opened her heart to us. She saw in us what I had hoped someone would see. She placed her beautiful baby with us. It’s so amazing. It’s so hard to wrap my brain around.
Sitting in front of the judge this week, we were asked ‘why do you want to adopt this child?’ I couldn’t hold back the tears. Ethan is perfect. He is God’s promise, God’s provision realized. He fills my heart in ways I couldn’t fathom. He completed our little family the moment we were finally able to hold him in our arms. And to hear the judge proclaim him ours – forever binding us together as a family – while surrounded by so many people who love us and him – was a moment I’ll never forget. Professing our love for Ethan through tears and quivering lips, while he squealed and smiled in delight…it was perfect. I have watched the video countless times…short, sweet, and wonderful. The day us Karwoski’s became a forever family…
This week we finalized Ethan’s adoption, officially and legally becoming a forever family. He charmed a room full of family and friends, as well as a judge and lawyer across the country. Again, I found myself trying to comprehend the incredible gift his is.
SO much has happened these past six months. Our family of three has celebrated all sorts of fun milestones; sleeping through the night, daycare, rolling over, trying solids, the first holiday season, two 40th birthdays…the list goes on. Being a family, having a son, is amazing!
I spent so many years wondering if it would ever be us. If we would ever know the joy and wonder of raising and loving a child of our own. I spent countless tearful nights praying and pleading to God – not wanting to give up on our dream.
And now, when I stare at sweet Ethan’s face – I am so crazy glad we didn’t. This past year was particularly difficult. Hearing no after no…feeling discouraged and unwanted…we almost threw in the towel.
Just a few weeks later a brave expectant mother read our story, heard about our struggles, saw our strength, love, and commitment…and said yes. She opened her heart to us. She saw in us what I had hoped someone would see. She placed her beautiful baby with us. It’s so amazing. It’s so hard to wrap my brain around.
Sitting in front of the judge this week, we were asked ‘why do you want to adopt this child?’ I couldn’t hold back the tears. Ethan is perfect. He is God’s promise, God’s provision realized. He fills my heart in ways I couldn’t fathom. He completed our little family the moment we were finally able to hold him in our arms. And to hear the judge proclaim him ours – forever binding us together as a family – while surrounded by so many people who love us and him – was a moment I’ll never forget. Professing our love for Ethan through tears and quivering lips, while he squealed and smiled in delight…it was perfect. I have watched the video countless times…short, sweet, and wonderful. The day us Karwoski’s became a forever family…