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Saturday Update: 12/17/05

Well, I am sitting in the living room while some workers are installing some extra insulation in our attic and am attempting to fill the time with something productive. I figured I might as well try and work on a little update for you all. This is the first morning in over three months that I haven’t been up early to greet Matt and help him get ready for the day. I am anxious and uncomfortable not being there to help start his day, and I hate that I can’t just call him up to tell him I’m running late. (They got here an hour later than expected) He knew I’d be down there later today, and was ok with it…and I know they are taking care of him there, but I just feel uncomfortable not being there as usual. Plus, of course, today is the big overnight visit, so I’m sure he’s just dying for me to get there and get him HOME! I will definitely update you all on how the trip goes.

I took the entire day off work yesterday and was with Matt throughout all his therapies. It gave us another chance to work together and for the physical therapists to gage how we are doing together. It went wonderfully. We practiced walking around their mock bedroom and up and down the stairs. He listened to all my cues and really concentrated well. I was so happy at how well we did, as was the therapist! We also had a family conference yesterday morning with all of his therapists, the social worker, nurse case manager, physiatrist, and Matt’s parents. It was a good opportunity for the therapists to give updates on Matt’s progress and for us, as a family, to ask any questions we might have. The therapists all said how great Matt is doing, and how optimistic they are that his progress will continue with hard work and perseverance. They also explained the difference between a brain injury and an orthopedic injury, in that the brain has it’s own healing timeline and there’s really nothing we can do to speed that up. The healing will come in time, and as long as Matt continues to work hard (as he has been), then the progress will continue. I think it really put a lot of our minds and hearts at ease, to know that we aren’t on a timeline here, and shouldn’t be frustrated if it seems to be taking a long time….that this IS really going to just take time and patience.

Matt has made it through the intense part of his rehab, and is now ready to begin the real-life phase of his rehab. They explained that he will actually probably have more therapy-type activities at home than what he has now. When you think about it, everything he does is a form of therapy. Walking to the bathroom, sitting at the dining room table, eating a meal, talking to friends and family….it’s all work for him and it will all help his progress continue. Right now he can count on nurses and therapists, as well as family, to help him do things and get things for him. When he comes home, he’s going to have to do more for himself…I just won’t be able to do it all….well, maybe I could, but I refuse to wait on him ALL the time! HA!

I think everyone is really looking for this overnight trip to be the true test…to make sure we are really ready to rely on each other. I know it is going to be a LOT of work and require a lot of patience and understanding on my part, as well as Matt’s. I just pray that some of the anxiety, stress, and frustrations will be lifted off of us as we start to settle in and feel more normal at our home. I just know that being here at home with me is going to do wonders for Matt emotionally and mentally. He longs to be in his own environment, with more control over what he does and when. He knows that his therapy is his job now, and he is ready to go there…work hard…get it done…then come home and relax at the end of the day. And man, just to relax at home together…I am SO ready for that!

We are also so grateful that we will be able to celebrate Christmas together, with our families, at home. What a wonderful gift that is! Matt is looking forward to relaxing by the Christmas tree, reading magazines, listening to Christmas tunes while I bake cookies and other goodies for our family get togethers. I’ll admit, I am really, really, REALLY looking forward to it myself. I am ready to begin this next phase…and want to be able to face the challenges head on with faith and endurance. I just ask for you to continue to hold us up in your prayers. Pray for Matt’s continued healing and recovery, that he would continue to press on towards the goal, and pray for a positive attitude. I also ask you pray for strength (both physically and emotionally) for us as we prepare for the tasks ahead. Matt is going to have to lean on me a lot in these next few weeks, and I don’t want to let him down.


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