21 days and counting!!
Matt and I are finally on the homestretch now and hopefully these next few weeks will be full and fly by for us both. They’ve had some new folks arrive at the hospital last week, including a few that I had previously e-mailed. Hopefully they get a chance to meet Matt and share in their experiences together. Matt did get a chance to meet Devin and his brother Doug who will be filming the documentary while in China. I’m really looking forward to meeting them and Doug’s wife. It will be something to talk to someone who has been through so much of what we have. I hope that they find improvements while in China as well.
Matt has been feeling a little under the weather the past week or so. At first they thought he had a cold, but it’s not really improving much. He has a cough and runny nose. He doesn’t have a fever though, and for the most part is feeling pretty good…so he thought maybe it was a touch of pneumonia. He was going to talk to the doctors yesterday about how he has been prone to it in the past and see if they have something else they’d like to treat him with. I’ll be curious to hear from him tomorrow and see what they thought. One of the therapists there in exercise has been working with him to enunciate his words more. She speaks pretty good English and says she thinks that his speech is improved and that he has lost weight since she’s been there…which is only a few weeks. I’m so excited to get there and see him for myself. I’m just curious if I’ll notice things that perhaps he hasn’t really noticed. It’s hard to always be aware of changes when you’re in it…sometimes another person coming in can see other things. We’ll see. Either way, it will be so good to get Matt back home again. I am sooo ready to move on with our life at the new house! There is a lot to look forward to!!!
This past weekend I had a few girlfriends over for some quality ‘hang out’ time…we pretty much

Sunday I met Hope and the kids up at Reiman Gardens in Ames. We walked through the butterfly garden, and then out through the paths which roam around the gardens. It was a beautiful day

and we had a good time just letting the kids run and showing them the pretty colors, flowers, and butterflies.

When I got home I took Buddy for a short walk up the hill too and everyone was outside working in their yards. Oh, I am SO ready to be out there planting too. Soon, hopefully, soon!