Blessings for the day:
Matt did AWESOME in his physical therapy today! Well, he did great it all therapies today…but he walked a LOT in PT today. They had him walking between the parallel bars, which he did twice. The bars aren’t very long though, so he can only get a few steps in before they have to sit down and wheel him back to the starting point and do it again. So, today they got out a big walker for him. It goes up chest high and he puts his arms up underneath his chest to hold on and push it forward. He walked across the PT room…TWICE! The second time, he was switching feet so fast that the therapist had a hard time keeping up with him. I think it finally started to feel more natural to him and the movements were just coming back to him easier. After that they had him down on the mat doing other strengthening exercises. He did 10 tummy crunches! The therapist sat at his feet and held his hands while he pulled himself up…and he was a trooper, he did 10 really good ones!
In speech therapy today he said his first really audible word…mom. Boy, do we know a few ladies that will love that!!! Unfortunately, for me, that is much easier to say than Emily. Bummer. But, he does try Emily and usually gets the Em out. That works for me. The therapist was so happy to hear him say mom that she hugged him right away! It was pretty darn funny! Yesterday I was trying to get him to say ‘love you’, cuz I figure everyone would love to hear him say that…not just me. He tried, but it was still pretty mumbly. Then he looked at me, pointed to himself, crossed his arms over his chest, and then pointed back at me. Sign language for ‘I love you’. Hard to resist that, huh?
I know I’ve mentioned it before…but the therapist team here is just great. They are sad to see us go, they have really taken to Matt. (He wins people over pretty easy, as you all know…what’s not to love?!) The PT girl Lisa brought us two pumpkins today. We were talking the other day about how Matt and I have carved pumpkins together every Halloween since we first met back in high school…so she stopped at a little pumpkin patch near her home and bought us each one. I was so touched. It was very, very kind and thoughtful of her. They are all coming in tomorrow morning to work with Matt again, because we think he’s going to Younker on Monday and they may not get a chance to work with him again. I have been so touched by them and their genuine care and concern for us both. I can see how much they want him to recover and be successful with his rehab. They have undoubtedly helped us take the first steps toward normal. Their influence and guidance have left a very solid impression on both Matt and I. I will never, never forget what they have helped Matt achieve in the small time he was here. God has blessed us with each of them. I feel very confident that He intended us to be here and for them to come in to our lives. We are very fortunate for the experience with them. They will ALL be invited to the big homecoming party that I intend to have for Matt when he’s ready to come back home!!
I still haven’t received official word that we are transferring to Younker on Monday, but I assume it will be then or Tuesday…I will let you all know for sure when I do. Please pray for a good weekend (the last one here, HOPEFULLY) and pray for peaceful nights for Matt…he hasn’t been sleeping that well at night. Each morning he greets me with a huge hug…desperate for a friendly, familiar face…well, my face in particular. Nights are rough on us both, so please think of us each evening and pray for peace and rest for us both.
Matt did AWESOME in his physical therapy today! Well, he did great it all therapies today…but he walked a LOT in PT today. They had him walking between the parallel bars, which he did twice. The bars aren’t very long though, so he can only get a few steps in before they have to sit down and wheel him back to the starting point and do it again. So, today they got out a big walker for him. It goes up chest high and he puts his arms up underneath his chest to hold on and push it forward. He walked across the PT room…TWICE! The second time, he was switching feet so fast that the therapist had a hard time keeping up with him. I think it finally started to feel more natural to him and the movements were just coming back to him easier. After that they had him down on the mat doing other strengthening exercises. He did 10 tummy crunches! The therapist sat at his feet and held his hands while he pulled himself up…and he was a trooper, he did 10 really good ones!
In speech therapy today he said his first really audible word…mom. Boy, do we know a few ladies that will love that!!! Unfortunately, for me, that is much easier to say than Emily. Bummer. But, he does try Emily and usually gets the Em out. That works for me. The therapist was so happy to hear him say mom that she hugged him right away! It was pretty darn funny! Yesterday I was trying to get him to say ‘love you’, cuz I figure everyone would love to hear him say that…not just me. He tried, but it was still pretty mumbly. Then he looked at me, pointed to himself, crossed his arms over his chest, and then pointed back at me. Sign language for ‘I love you’. Hard to resist that, huh?
I know I’ve mentioned it before…but the therapist team here is just great. They are sad to see us go, they have really taken to Matt. (He wins people over pretty easy, as you all know…what’s not to love?!) The PT girl Lisa brought us two pumpkins today. We were talking the other day about how Matt and I have carved pumpkins together every Halloween since we first met back in high school…so she stopped at a little pumpkin patch near her home and bought us each one. I was so touched. It was very, very kind and thoughtful of her. They are all coming in tomorrow morning to work with Matt again, because we think he’s going to Younker on Monday and they may not get a chance to work with him again. I have been so touched by them and their genuine care and concern for us both. I can see how much they want him to recover and be successful with his rehab. They have undoubtedly helped us take the first steps toward normal. Their influence and guidance have left a very solid impression on both Matt and I. I will never, never forget what they have helped Matt achieve in the small time he was here. God has blessed us with each of them. I feel very confident that He intended us to be here and for them to come in to our lives. We are very fortunate for the experience with them. They will ALL be invited to the big homecoming party that I intend to have for Matt when he’s ready to come back home!!
I still haven’t received official word that we are transferring to Younker on Monday, but I assume it will be then or Tuesday…I will let you all know for sure when I do. Please pray for a good weekend (the last one here, HOPEFULLY) and pray for peaceful nights for Matt…he hasn’t been sleeping that well at night. Each morning he greets me with a huge hug…desperate for a friendly, familiar face…well, my face in particular. Nights are rough on us both, so please think of us each evening and pray for peace and rest for us both.