Blessings for the day:
The internal medicine doctor stopped by this morning and said that Matt’s white count was NORMAL!! They haven’t been normal since he got here, so that is absolutely wonderful news. All his vitals are good and normal, so we are quite thankful for that!! It really just confirms that medically Matt is in top shape and will be ready to move on from the hospital soon! Yahoo!
Matt had a good morning. He sat up in the chair for 2 hours and I washed his hair for him. He is doing better every day at holding his head up and building the strength up in his neck and back. Dr. Struck said that if he continues to perk up and show signs that he is able to hold himself up for longer periods of time, we may be able to take him out for a ride in a chair sometime this weekend. Matt thought that sounded like a great idea! I told him he’d have to be good and work hard to show he’s strong enough! So, we’ll see how the weekend goes with that.
We’ve been watching/listening to the IA & ISU games today. Last week he couldn’t really tolerate the noise of the TV, so I’m excited that he wants to have it on today. He still tires easily and usually has to rest a while after he’s been up in the chair…but that is to be expected. He got up in the chair again this afternoon for an hour and was pretty pooped, so we had him put back in bed. I told him I’d let him have a slack day today…but not to expect it everyday! I guess if he wants to spend his Saturday snoozing and watching football who am I to argue? It’s a pretty normal thing for him to want to do, so it feels good to me to do it.
I went home for a few hours today, and did some housework. It is a beautiful Saturday and I really enjoyed having the windows open and cleaning the house. Call me crazy, but I actually like cleaning the house on Saturdays. It always feels good to catch up on things at home and get organized. Slowly, I’m starting to feel a little bit more normalized into our ‘new’ life. We’ve started to work out a little bit of a routine between my mom, Matt’s parents, and sister. I think we’re doing pretty well at working as a team and that feels good. We are so blessed with such a loving and supportive family unit…I continue to be thankful for that. I see other folks up here in their hospital rooms alone, and I think how lucky Matt is to always have someone there for him. It has been important to me to have him feel our love, and I hope that he truly does. This experience has been quite the humbling one…the loving gifts, thoughts, prayers, and visits continue to impress and touch me deeply. I know I will never be able to put into words how much I appreciate what you guys have all done, and continue to do, for us. You are my blessings each day…and I will never forget it.
The internal medicine doctor stopped by this morning and said that Matt’s white count was NORMAL!! They haven’t been normal since he got here, so that is absolutely wonderful news. All his vitals are good and normal, so we are quite thankful for that!! It really just confirms that medically Matt is in top shape and will be ready to move on from the hospital soon! Yahoo!
Matt had a good morning. He sat up in the chair for 2 hours and I washed his hair for him. He is doing better every day at holding his head up and building the strength up in his neck and back. Dr. Struck said that if he continues to perk up and show signs that he is able to hold himself up for longer periods of time, we may be able to take him out for a ride in a chair sometime this weekend. Matt thought that sounded like a great idea! I told him he’d have to be good and work hard to show he’s strong enough! So, we’ll see how the weekend goes with that.
We’ve been watching/listening to the IA & ISU games today. Last week he couldn’t really tolerate the noise of the TV, so I’m excited that he wants to have it on today. He still tires easily and usually has to rest a while after he’s been up in the chair…but that is to be expected. He got up in the chair again this afternoon for an hour and was pretty pooped, so we had him put back in bed. I told him I’d let him have a slack day today…but not to expect it everyday! I guess if he wants to spend his Saturday snoozing and watching football who am I to argue? It’s a pretty normal thing for him to want to do, so it feels good to me to do it.
I went home for a few hours today, and did some housework. It is a beautiful Saturday and I really enjoyed having the windows open and cleaning the house. Call me crazy, but I actually like cleaning the house on Saturdays. It always feels good to catch up on things at home and get organized. Slowly, I’m starting to feel a little bit more normalized into our ‘new’ life. We’ve started to work out a little bit of a routine between my mom, Matt’s parents, and sister. I think we’re doing pretty well at working as a team and that feels good. We are so blessed with such a loving and supportive family unit…I continue to be thankful for that. I see other folks up here in their hospital rooms alone, and I think how lucky Matt is to always have someone there for him. It has been important to me to have him feel our love, and I hope that he truly does. This experience has been quite the humbling one…the loving gifts, thoughts, prayers, and visits continue to impress and touch me deeply. I know I will never be able to put into words how much I appreciate what you guys have all done, and continue to do, for us. You are my blessings each day…and I will never forget it.